Thursday, November 27, 2014

Water Jouncers


I really have no idea why I thought of this. The kids woke me up early and I couldn't fall back to sleep. While laying in bed this morning I got a bunch of ideas. My brain is a single-thread processor. It's like a railroad track but there are a million switches. I think along one thread, sometimes detouring on tangents, evaluating ideas more deeply or completely switching directions on a new but related thought. I often backtrack and take different switches that I marked as interesting along the way. Conversations are like this. Jenn and I sometimes find it fun to trace conversations backwards and see all the different switch points.

Anyways, I'm sure there was some half-logical track that got me onto running across the water.

The Idea

A stilt contraption that displaces water allowing you to run across a water surface. First solve the mechanics of water displacement and find workable human input scenarios. One possible answer is to displace lager surface area like a lizard. Problem is with retraction speed. Evaluate an artificial webbed foot that expands on contract, putting force into springs. Then upon contraction the springs pull the webbing in and propel the foot out of the hole of displaced water. Or maybe the actual foot never enters the hole. Maybe it's only the mechanical device goes into the pocket, and the springs pull it out again, reset by the force of every step.


Lizard that can run on water

Just for Fun:

Fake but Fun

Jeff's Miracle Boots

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