Sunday, March 31, 2019

Fear The Beard


I like video games. Beards came into renewed fashion a couple years ago, so I was seeing them everywhere. One day I just had a random thought about a video game where the beard is a main part of the game.

The Idea

For some reason, when I think of the game style, the POW from Metal Slug comes into my mind (that's the image for this post). Imagine this guy, only clean shaven. That's how you start in the game; as a dude with no weapons. His only attack is a headbutt, but with his chin. As the game progresses, the dude's beard gets longer, and he can use it in more creative ways to move and dispatch combatants. It would be fun to use progression trees where points can be earned and spent on various beard skills. Some funny images that come to mind is swinging around and slashing dudes with a super-long Rip Van Winkle beard, charging like a bull with a ridiculous handlebar mustache, and a super-thick full beard that just swallows everything.


I'm not a game developer and don't plan to be one. But I think it would be hilarious if someone did this!

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