Sunday, July 6, 2014

Fashion Consultant App

Okay, so I am fashion impaired. I have a terrible time picking out what to wear just from the limited wardrobe I already own, and an even worse time trying to select new clothes. I don't really want to do all the reading required to teach myself how to dress so as to not be an eyesore. Socks and sandals? Who CARES?

Tonight Jenn is asking about what clothes I need. She showed me some shorts and asked which ones looked nice. "I don't even know where to start."

Then it hit me. I need an app to help me dress, and to help me pick out new clothes. At the very basic level I need to be able to input my wardrobe and have the app tell me good combinations for outfits, tell me what I'm missing to make some good combos, and give me advice on what to buy. It needs to integrate with the camera so I can take pictures of the articles of clothing (of course there needs to be a simple camera color calibration). Clothing recognition would be nice, but I've done some coding work on that and it's pretty tough.

Then next time Jenn asks me what I think about a pair of shorts I can just take a picture and have my expert consultant tell me how it fits into my wardrobe.

Maybe you could take it to the next level and take a picture of yourself and have it recommend styles of clothing for you.

Could you really distill a fashion consultant into an app? Maybe not high fashion, but to get an engineer dressed appropriately I think some fashion basics knowledge would be quite feasible.

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